About us

 Charlotte (product designer) and Melody (social media manager)

It all started with a message from Charlotte's sister: "From an article on Bible memory for children. Thought of you." Attached was a picture from a mother's magazine suggesting that more artists design picture books and coloring pages to help children memorize Scripture. "That's me," she thought.

Charlotte started hand-drawing coloring pages and trying to scan them in on her phone. Her husband—always supportive—invested in an Ipad to streamline the process. Soon Charlotte opened an Etsy shop—VersesVisualized. She happily added products and watched as sales trickled in.

Fast-forward 2 1/2 years. Charlotte had an idea. Why not make colorful flashcards to go with the coloring pages? Why not rebrand? Why not enlist her close friend, Melody—and her marketing skills—to help her? Why not offer a subscription package so that mamas can have everything they need for Bible memory delivered to their door each month?

Enter Sword and Honey. Working together with you to arm our children with the sweet Word of God.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.